Cathy Wright has been a student of Iyengar yoga for the last 25 years and teaching for the last 15 years. In addition to her periodic trips to India, she has studied with numerous senior level Iyengar teachers. Her main teacher for the past ten years to current is Rebecca Lerner. She has been to Pune, India, three times to study with the Iyengar family at their institute. Her last trip to India was to the Northern region of Old Rajpur, to study with Rajiv and Swati Chanchani, Februrary 2011. Cathy is certified in the Iyengar method at the Junior Intermediate III Level.
She is a graduate from the University of Iowa, in English & Art and currently lives and teaches in Fort Collins, where she has lived for the last 30 years.
Cathy taught at the Pine Street studio for 3 years and was co-founder and co-director of the Old Town Yoga Studio for three years before founding the Yoga Center of Fort Collins.
Besides yoga, Cathy has been a student of Zen Buddhism at the Denver Zen Center for the last 25 years and has been an assistant teacher there for the past 5 years. She attends sesshin (7 day silent retreat) once a year and believes that a combination of meditation and yoga has helped her maintain balance and poise, even though "I still get upset at things, I also can cool down quicker".
Let's hear from Cathy directly: "I have been studying under the Iyengars and their senior teachers for the past 20 years and have come to understand the depth this style of yoga aims to take the serious student. The depth is a deep one, it is for each student to know what it means to be truly free while living in this world. Starting with the outside of us, our arms and legs, skin and sense organs, the asanas train us in self discipline, strength and flexibility. Moving more inward to less obvious parts of who we are, our livers and intestines, lungs and heart, etc. the asanas bring a health and vitality to our internal organs for maximum functioning. To continue on to our mind, thoughts and feelings, the practice includes breathing as a vital part of concentration and builds the awareness of what is real and what is not real.
As we look at these individual parts, the whole of who we are becomes much greater and more mysterious than any of us can imagine, and yet it is within all our grasps to come to know this sublime place. The yoga path is just one path of many, if this one speaks to you, please come to our classes and find out for yourself how yoga can aid you on your way."